Naujausi darbo pasiūlymai

Trade marketing manager (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia)

(analytics, sales, marketing)
Aplikuoti iki2024-04-26

About the company

Roshen Nord is hiring! Roshen Nord is the Trading House of Roshen Confectionary Corporation, an FMCG company that produces and sells a wide portfolio of confectionary products. Roshen is in the TOP-30 best confectionery manufacturers in the world taking 23th place on 2023 Global Top 100 Candy Companies rating. We have been operating in the Baltics since 2015 and are known to the demanding local customer both with traditional and unique Roshen tastes.

Currently we are looking for a Trade marketing manager. If you have experience in marketing and/or sales and seek challenging perspectives, we are happy to invite you to join our Baltic team based in Vilnius to make your contribution to the development of the sweetest brands!

Roshen Nord, UAB

Švitrigailos g. 11B, LT-03228 Vilnius

Company offers:

- A collaborative environment with engaged and supportive colleagues.
- Opportunity to grow in an informal style of communication and management environment that is constantly looking for great team players and leaders to take.
- Salary meeting your experience and skills within the currently established work environment.

Your responsibilities:

  • Development and execution of TM Plan in line with sales and marketing objectives.
  • Monitoring competitor price, assortment, market shares and marketing strategies.
  • Analysis of the sales plan implementation, margin profit, quantitative and qualitative distribution.
  • Development of assortment matrix by channels, planning rotation, supporting and monitoring its implementation.
  • Development of TM programs for launching new SKUs.
  • Development of product promo pricing strategies and trade marketing investments to support growth. Calculation of price models by distribution channels.
  • Development of recommended planograms.
  • Development and implementation of regular changes in accordance with the characteristics of the competitive environment, inflation indicators, changes in market trends, etc. 

Required competencies:

  • Advanced user of Microsoft Excel, Word.
  • Ability to work with large amounts of information.
  • Analytical capabilities.
  • Understanding regular and promo pricing.
  • Understanding buyer's behavior and ways of influencing their decision-making.

Siūlomas atlyginimas (bruto): nuo 3000 eur iki 3600 eur

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Atranka360 komentaras

This is a great opportunity to join and grow in a well-respected company. If you feel / think Trade marketing manager role in Roshen Nord could be the next best move in your career, please send Your English CV to or share your LinkedIn profile. Only selected candidates will be informed. Confidentiality is guaranteed.

Šią atranką vykdo:
Julija Stankevičiūtė, Karjeros projektų ir personalo atrankų vadovė

Julija Stankevičiūtė

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